Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Whitening dental instruments can whiten teeth?

  Whitening the teeth whitening you? Yellowing of the  dental instruments    teeth caused by dental fluorosis, Whitening teeth whitening effect it? According to oral Hospital experts Whitening is currently more popular teeth whitening tea stains teeth, smoke stains teeth have very good whitening effect, but many people believe that the whitening effect of the technology is not very good, whether dental fluorosis pigment teeth whitening?

Oral experts pointed out that the main cause of dental fluorosis is an endogenous discolored teeth, divided into mild, moderate and moderate. Whitening for tea stains teeth and tooth surface stains and tetracycline, fluoride dental discolored teeth, and therefore can whiten teeth. Whitening What are the advantages?

Whitening is better teeth whitening entire whitening process in just 30 minutes, the whitening effect rapid and significant, long-lasting whitening. Gum Protection agent because the technology will be used, so that you avoid the damage caused by the teeth not white process, safe and reliable, with no side effects.

Apart from Whitening also ideal teeth whitening? Stomatology Hospital experts, many star or celebrity beauty crown for  
Dental Curing Light  teeth whitening. Why did you choose this way? Cosmetic crown and long service life, intensive care can be used for life; followed by the the beauty crown surface bacteria can not survive, and to avoid the emergence of tooth decay. To note that after installing the beauty crown must do care work, such as oral hygiene and crown their love.

 related products:

 3-Way Water Syring

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wireless 5w curing light dental 

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What Dental Equipment is better when fillings with teeth ?

Short-term use of the material, such as for the temporary  Dental Equipment  closure hole material in the treatment process, eugenol zinc oxide cement powder may be used within 2 weeks, the zinc phosphate cement powder can be used for less than six months; long-term use of the material, i.e. a permanent filling material, defect dentin in the hole instead of long-term retention, such as silver amalgam, composite resin.
Silver amalgam: the interaction of mercury and silver-tin alloy powder amalgam compounds, the clinical use of the maximum. Need to withstand occlusal force used for Class I, II class hole and do not have to consider the aesthetic Class V; Taoka ring abutment hole; dental crown after post and core or full crown restorations inner layer. Dental amalgam should maintain a certain volume, in order to withstand the occlusal force without break; silver amalgam and tooth structure does not have the cohesiveness, box-shaped hole should be prepared, well-designed retention form, so both fit closely fitted to each other, good moisture barrier to amalgam in dental firm and lasting.
Composite resin: organic synthetic resin plus a large number of specially treated inorganic filler material, and it is by means of the  
Dental Polisher   teeth surface treatment technology, bonded to the tooth tissues used for Class III-dong, V hole filling; also has a high-strength composite resin can be used for posterior teeth Class I, II class hole filling. Bonding technology also fixes the Class IV holes and serious dental defects teeth. Photosensitive cured composite resin color stability, strong adhesion, especially suitable for front teeth esthetic repair; chemically cured composite resin, easy to operate, although slight color change (palatal) side of the hole for the rear teeth and front teeth tongue also suitable.
Polycarboxylate cement (also known as polyacrylic cement): is a bottom and the anchor material. The bottom of the material 
tooth polisher   can be used for holes, hole material sealed within six months, the root canal filling material can be used for the adhesive cements tooth crown and bridge repair, excipient as periodontal plug Governance agent.
The glass ion polymer cement: a light pulp stimulation of dental hard tissue adhesion, but the strength of silver amalgam multipurpose material. Applicable to Class III, V class hole for deciduous teeth filling for the a cavity sealer to prevent dental caries.
Zinc-phosphate cement: also known as long-lasting cement, zinc cement. Bearing material for upper bunk to the bottom of the  
Dental Air Syringe   deep hole, cavity sealing material in less than six months, is also used in dental restorative crown and bridge repair.





Sunday, April 14, 2013

What circumstances should not be tooth polisher ?

In general, does not treat the patients  tooth polisher   with painful teeth should be pulled out after tooth extraction, and (3) the fixing of dentures. Extraction is not major surgery, not pain, is usually safe. Individual circumstances need to be carefully considered, and some need to defer the extractions, some not extraction such as: blood diseases should be non-extraction. Tooth extraction in patients with hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, leukemia, often bleeding, even life-threatening. Some patients eager to extraction, the doctor deliberately to conceal the truth, which is very wrong. Patients with hypertension and heart extractions must be cautious
Such as ready before extraction, tooth extraction. Only in the brain, heart, kidney and other existing damage or heart attack during the Prohibition of the tooth. Bran urine in patients with tooth extraction prone to wound infection, infection will increase of diabetes. Therefore, the use of antibiotics to control infection before and after extraction. The general blood bran should be controlled less than 8.96 mmol / 1 (160 mg%), extraction was relatively safe. Hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver function damage, blood prothrombin decrease 
Dental cordless curing light   in fibrinogen, are particularly vulnerable to bleeding. Therefore, active hepatitis and severe liver damage, not extractions, hepatoprotective measures should be implemented, liver function improved after the prophylactic use of vitamin K clotting drugs, before extraction. Renal failure or severe kidney disease, and it is not tooth extraction. Mild kidney disease antibiotics before tooth extraction 2-3 days, in order to prevent the pull caused by transient bacteremia, progressive kidney disease.

Extraction during pregnancy, but has a history of habitual abortion should be careful. Prone to miscarriage because pregnant within 3 months, 6 months after easily lead to premature birth, and therefore the best extraction during a period of 3-6 months of pregnancy safer. Menstrual period sometimes more bleeding after tooth extraction, tooth extraction should be suspended. Patients with hyperthyroidism due to infection, of anxiety or surgery may cause thyroid storm, and even rapid death. If extraction, preoperative examination, basal metabolism 20; pulse 100 beats per minute. Anesthetic non-epinephrine, also need to take anti-inflammatory drugs before and after extraction. Teeth in the oral malignancy range, together with the tumor bulk resection, such as a separate extraction will accelerate the proliferation of tumor cells. The parts can not be done radiation therapy extraction, in order to avoid radioactive osteomyelitis. In short, people with  
Disinfection Item    systemic disease, before the extraction chamber GP should be noted, according to the situation by a doctor determine whether tooth extractions or when.

Does chewing gum harmful to the teeth Air Polisher?

Some people think that gum against dental   Air Polisher   caries, also suggested that a cariogenic chewing gum, chewing gum on oral health in the end is beneficial or harmful? Things are two sides, and would like to know the specific reasons, take a look at the following to know!

(1) chewing gum for good oral health: First, as chewing gum requirements in the oral cavity, chewing movements of oral health is a great advantage:

chewing can stimulate the secretion of saliva, and then combined with the the gum teeth on the friction, and can enhance the cleaning action of the teeth, to reduce the cariogenic factors, contribute to the anti-caries.

(2) often chewing movement is good periodontal health, and even contribute to beauty. According to survey data, some actors  
Dental Air Syringe  and singers who face regular exercise, the occurrence of facial age spots, at least than the average delay of 8 to 10 years. Fox, director of the Los Angeles Department of Neurology Medical Center, found that chewing gum a day for 15-20 minutes, will contribute to beauty. For weeks, but also to reduce facial wrinkles, looking rosy gradually. This is because the chewing promote facial muscles, improve blood circulation, improve the metabolic activity of the cells of the skin. Therefore, some scientists advocate regular chewing movement, especially in the day-to-day meal, eat some with the appropriate hardness, rough and full of fiber foods, slowly, which is not only conducive to the absorption of nutrients, teeth cleaning , but also to promote the wonders of facial muscle movement. Second, the characteristics of the gum is a "sweet" word. Incense will increase the interest of people chewing, Hong also be temporarily improve the look of the mouth of the bad smell, the refreshing feel comfortable, but also conducive to social activities.

(2) If the gum harmful to oral health, the key word in a "sugar", because sugar is one of the important factors for dental caries, and chewing gum, sugar longer residence time in the oral cavity. But  
led curing light   has been found to replace sugar substitutes: xylitol or stevia. In this way, you do not consider this issue.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Talk about the beauty of teeth

With a neat white teeth make you more comfortable and confident, the dream of many people, here we simply introduce several beauty color of our teeth diseases and their control methods:tetracycline stained teeth it is taking tetracyclines during tooth development transformed. Calcium ion binding to the solid calcium salt of tetracycline tetracycline and tooth, it is mainly distributed in the dentin layer. Depending on the severity of the lesions, tetracycline stained teeth may have light gray, brown and deeper greyish yellow-brown, in general, the permanent teeth deciduous calm is weak, khaki light and diffuse. China's 60 years old, many people have symptoms of tetracycline. Enamel hypoplasia teeth appear chalky, brown, severe cases can be presented point nest-like defect.

Dental fluorosis, also known as macular teeth, because the regional chronic fluoride poisoning, that the high fluoride content in the drinking water, the performance of the tooth surface chalk color Gantt or plaque, brown or black pigmentation also was plaque, severe cases can cause dentin defects. Dental calculus calculus is a hard, firmly attached to the tooth surface sediments of calcium salts, gingival or subgingival generally yellow, dark yellow, brown or black, mostly due to poor oral hygiene, food and bacteria attached calcification.
pigmentation mostly due to poor oral hygiene, long-term smoking, drinking tea or prefer a certain coloring food. The performance of hereditary opalescent teeth full mouth was a translucent dark gray to brown, exposing the dentin, mostly brown and easy to wear.

Dead dental pulp or treated teeth was gray or dark red.
 for the above reasons, the dental physician to take prevention measures: in particular insist on focusing on prevention, such as attention to oral hygiene, smoking, use of fluoride toothpaste, pay attention to the whole body nutrition.

Dental health characteristics of young children

"Infants" refers specifically to the period of pre-school children, China provides 6-year-old to school age. Infant characteristics: (1) the infant's brain, intelligence is not developed enough, hand skills are not perfect, do not have the ability to consciously practice oral hygiene, brushing parents need help, guidance, supervision. ② infant is in a stage of growth and development, to strengthen nutrition has an important significance for human life and lay a good nutritional foundation. (3) infants and young children will be experiencing the eruption of deciduous teeth early stage of eruption of deciduous teeth of primary dentition is complete (about 2 and a half years old, all 20 primary teeth eruption. The ④ infants caries is characterized by more than two early in the morning, according to the Shanghai City Appearance 1995 survey , 1 year old and 6 caries rates were 8.33% or 88.7% (World Health Organization 2000 50% of 5-6 year-old children with caries) to do a good job in the oral health of infants and young children should be do the following:
(1) strengthening infant and child nutrition requires, first breast-feeding. Breast milk is the best natural food, it has more calories and various nutrients for the baby's needs and the ability to digest, as well as enzymes and antibodies, more conducive to baby digestion, absorption, resistance to disease. Direct breastfeeding is both convenient and Health Economics. Followed by feeding method and time should pay attention to. Within 3 months after birth, breast-feeding every 3h, after every 4h, do not see the baby crying, the nipple will be empty pacifier into the baby's mouth to coax the baby, because the former will baby continuous sucking, both exhaustion, muscle shrinking because of the mouth, jaw growth restriction; the latter constantly inhaled a lot of air, and will be oppressed on the palate, the palate becomes too much too narrow, and even cause inflammation of the gums. 

 Also note that the feeding posture, left and right rotation feeding, so as not to affect the growth and development of infants and maxillofacial. Due to long-term use of sugary bottle feeding, especially when to sleep, when asleep in the mouth, easy to cause the milk incisors and the first deciduous teeth caries, have claimed that this is the "bottle caries", the last point, as soon as possible let the children practice chewing, chewing jaw physiological stimulation, can promote bone growth, exercise muscle function.

Sugar is not the bane of dental caries

Worried that dental caries is the main reason for parents to limit their children's sugar. Want to have healthy teeth to eat less sugar and so on, is still some misconceptions still exist. Recently, a large number of foreign study noted that the relationship between the sugar and the caries is very small, because only a viscosity of healthy teeth, food, eating spacing and oral hygiene is much more important role than sugar.
Some foods have ingredients that inhibit bacterial action at the mouth, which can protect the teeth from erosion, such as the milk contains caseinate peptide can inhibit the activity of bacteria, which is why, despite the milk contains lactose, but the ability to produce dental caries, other foods, such as cocoa in tannins and licorice licorice acid, both of which can inhibit oral bacteria. In addition, the role of calcium and phosphorus has a patch of tooth enamel.
Fluoride to prevent dental caries has long been applied. Many developed countries in the past 20 years, greatly reducing tooth decay is almost entirely the effect of the application of fluoride, especially toothpaste. Caries-free rate of developed Western countries has increased in recent years, but did not reduce the level of sugar consumption. Seems fluoride protection is very important, it can make the enamel more resistant to acid erosion.
The saliva is the most important role protect teeth saliva contains calcium and phosphorus can repair the enamel. But while everyone was sleeping, do not produce saliva, so before you go to bed, be sure to clean the mouth, not sleep because of the bacteria in the mouth.
Currently, in many countries in Europe, lower dental caries incidence in England and Wales, although it maintained a high sugar consumption per capita.
So sugar is not terrible, it depends on how you eat:
● sugar intake to less than 10 kg per person per year, that is, per person daily intake of 30 grams of sugar, can be maintained at an acceptable low level of incidence of dental caries. At present, China's per capita intake of sugar below 7 kg, even appropriate increase does not necessarily pose a serious threat to be caries incidence.
Enjoy the sweet taste of sugar, but also for their own oral health should do something about the obligation is to pay attention to the oral health of the individual, it is best to brush your teeth immediately after eating sweets, at least immediately mouthwash every day fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque is an effective way to prevent tooth decay.

Deciduous teeth "leave early stranded affect development

School-age to the deciduous teeth healthy and strong refused to Yin, the permanent teeth can only swallow small daughter-in-law? Deciduous teeth due to caries, trauma did not to the age for early retirement? Yesterday was the annual World Love Teeth Day, Love Teeth Day theme this year is: "Care for infant oral health." Reporter recently learned from the hospital: the babies milk teeth late fall, early fall the phenomenon actually by "special" are taking toward "universal"! They are accompanied by background factors have sweets, soft diet "!
Person's lifetime total of two teeth, milk teeth and permanent teeth. Both replaced very important, generally starting from the age of 6. In this case, the primary anterior teeth began to fall, and at the same time as the first permanent molars (6-instar teeth) eruption. After the deciduous teeth of the upper and lower jaws for permanent teeth gradually replaced, has been extended to about 12 years old. This period is called the permanent teeth period. Children whether in this life can have a neat, beautiful teeth, teeth protection is closely related with this period.
Deciduous teeth in power does not abdicate
The new teeth frequently marginalization?
7-year-old Yin looks sweet, but mouthful of strange growth of teeth made originally loved to sing, she easily refused to open their mouths. Due to age-appropriate but the front door of deciduous teeth is still not normal shedding desperately newborn permanent teeth coming out forced long deciduous teeth medial, thereby teeth bunk became.
Affiliated Stomatology Hospital Children dentistry before reporters in to see a lot of long double teeth "from children seeking treatment. That they had all entered the teeth "transition from the old age, but annoying old teeth to stick to their posts do not want to" retire ", new teeth hurry" upper "has suffered" predecessors "crowd, the result becomes the mouth appear" two teeth "at the same time the power of the strange phenomenon.
Eating more and more refined
An increase in hospital patients deciduous teeth
"Clinical child deciduous teeth, late off phenomenon gradually increased and long-term, it is likely not eat hard things more and more sophisticated, food-related." LING Jun-qi the Dean "opening" to the reporter pointed out. It is reported that, under normal circumstances, the children from about six or seven, deciduous teeth naturally fall off in about six months to a year between the permanent teeth after another eruption.
But increased significantly in recent years because of the deciduous teeth, kids off while the doctor to come late. The combination of outpatient cases, expert analysis, and very likely the standard of living and the modern city constantly improve the diet of children growing fine related.
Previous living conditions are not so good, the glutton's what children see what to eat, did not eat nuts like a hard object, unlike supermarket bags of rice now fine meal, exercise enough milk teeth, so often normal even possibly as early as fall off. " relative ratio throughout the size of the supermarket sweets and refined grains are gradually replaced by a variety of coarse grains rich in nutritional value and fiber, so that supposed to be normal shedding of deciduous teeth into "retirement age" are often unwilling to "give way", which is because it contains less intake of crude fiber coarse grains, sweets and soft food intake relative too many teeth can not fully play its main function of chewing, the consequences are often the primary teeth that out when they rely on can not afford, and the new eruption constant dental forced to grow on the inside, and the formation of a "double teeth". The medicine will be a phenomenon known as deciduous teeth.
Often lead to permanent teeth dislocation eruption
According to Ling Kai Dean, deciduous teeth overdue does not fall off called deciduous teeth or deciduous teeth late off is a common cause of dislocation eruption of permanent teeth, deciduous teeth, a common cause of primary teeth presents a typical absorption or alveolar bone adhesion.
The conventional treatment should be promptly removed late deciduous off, at the same time, if the expected successor to give birth to the permanent teeth can not be recent eruption in the normal position, may also need to give the children do lack the gap retainer to maintain the length of the dental arch. Abnormal permanent teeth, should be based on individual discretion. If the congenital absence of permanent teeth and other permanent teeth normal relationship can be saved deciduous teeth; deciduous teeth should choose the right time to unplug other permanent teeth are crowded or protrusion, and then take advantage of the gap late off the deciduous teeth unplug aligned constant teeth.