Thursday, April 11, 2013

Deciduous teeth "leave early stranded affect development

School-age to the deciduous teeth healthy and strong refused to Yin, the permanent teeth can only swallow small daughter-in-law? Deciduous teeth due to caries, trauma did not to the age for early retirement? Yesterday was the annual World Love Teeth Day, Love Teeth Day theme this year is: "Care for infant oral health." Reporter recently learned from the hospital: the babies milk teeth late fall, early fall the phenomenon actually by "special" are taking toward "universal"! They are accompanied by background factors have sweets, soft diet "!
Person's lifetime total of two teeth, milk teeth and permanent teeth. Both replaced very important, generally starting from the age of 6. In this case, the primary anterior teeth began to fall, and at the same time as the first permanent molars (6-instar teeth) eruption. After the deciduous teeth of the upper and lower jaws for permanent teeth gradually replaced, has been extended to about 12 years old. This period is called the permanent teeth period. Children whether in this life can have a neat, beautiful teeth, teeth protection is closely related with this period.
Deciduous teeth in power does not abdicate
The new teeth frequently marginalization?
7-year-old Yin looks sweet, but mouthful of strange growth of teeth made originally loved to sing, she easily refused to open their mouths. Due to age-appropriate but the front door of deciduous teeth is still not normal shedding desperately newborn permanent teeth coming out forced long deciduous teeth medial, thereby teeth bunk became.
Affiliated Stomatology Hospital Children dentistry before reporters in to see a lot of long double teeth "from children seeking treatment. That they had all entered the teeth "transition from the old age, but annoying old teeth to stick to their posts do not want to" retire ", new teeth hurry" upper "has suffered" predecessors "crowd, the result becomes the mouth appear" two teeth "at the same time the power of the strange phenomenon.
Eating more and more refined
An increase in hospital patients deciduous teeth
"Clinical child deciduous teeth, late off phenomenon gradually increased and long-term, it is likely not eat hard things more and more sophisticated, food-related." LING Jun-qi the Dean "opening" to the reporter pointed out. It is reported that, under normal circumstances, the children from about six or seven, deciduous teeth naturally fall off in about six months to a year between the permanent teeth after another eruption.
But increased significantly in recent years because of the deciduous teeth, kids off while the doctor to come late. The combination of outpatient cases, expert analysis, and very likely the standard of living and the modern city constantly improve the diet of children growing fine related.
Previous living conditions are not so good, the glutton's what children see what to eat, did not eat nuts like a hard object, unlike supermarket bags of rice now fine meal, exercise enough milk teeth, so often normal even possibly as early as fall off. " relative ratio throughout the size of the supermarket sweets and refined grains are gradually replaced by a variety of coarse grains rich in nutritional value and fiber, so that supposed to be normal shedding of deciduous teeth into "retirement age" are often unwilling to "give way", which is because it contains less intake of crude fiber coarse grains, sweets and soft food intake relative too many teeth can not fully play its main function of chewing, the consequences are often the primary teeth that out when they rely on can not afford, and the new eruption constant dental forced to grow on the inside, and the formation of a "double teeth". The medicine will be a phenomenon known as deciduous teeth.
Often lead to permanent teeth dislocation eruption
According to Ling Kai Dean, deciduous teeth overdue does not fall off called deciduous teeth or deciduous teeth late off is a common cause of dislocation eruption of permanent teeth, deciduous teeth, a common cause of primary teeth presents a typical absorption or alveolar bone adhesion.
The conventional treatment should be promptly removed late deciduous off, at the same time, if the expected successor to give birth to the permanent teeth can not be recent eruption in the normal position, may also need to give the children do lack the gap retainer to maintain the length of the dental arch. Abnormal permanent teeth, should be based on individual discretion. If the congenital absence of permanent teeth and other permanent teeth normal relationship can be saved deciduous teeth; deciduous teeth should choose the right time to unplug other permanent teeth are crowded or protrusion, and then take advantage of the gap late off the deciduous teeth unplug aligned constant teeth.

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