Sunday, April 14, 2013

What circumstances should not be tooth polisher ?

In general, does not treat the patients  tooth polisher   with painful teeth should be pulled out after tooth extraction, and (3) the fixing of dentures. Extraction is not major surgery, not pain, is usually safe. Individual circumstances need to be carefully considered, and some need to defer the extractions, some not extraction such as: blood diseases should be non-extraction. Tooth extraction in patients with hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, leukemia, often bleeding, even life-threatening. Some patients eager to extraction, the doctor deliberately to conceal the truth, which is very wrong. Patients with hypertension and heart extractions must be cautious
Such as ready before extraction, tooth extraction. Only in the brain, heart, kidney and other existing damage or heart attack during the Prohibition of the tooth. Bran urine in patients with tooth extraction prone to wound infection, infection will increase of diabetes. Therefore, the use of antibiotics to control infection before and after extraction. The general blood bran should be controlled less than 8.96 mmol / 1 (160 mg%), extraction was relatively safe. Hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver function damage, blood prothrombin decrease 
Dental cordless curing light   in fibrinogen, are particularly vulnerable to bleeding. Therefore, active hepatitis and severe liver damage, not extractions, hepatoprotective measures should be implemented, liver function improved after the prophylactic use of vitamin K clotting drugs, before extraction. Renal failure or severe kidney disease, and it is not tooth extraction. Mild kidney disease antibiotics before tooth extraction 2-3 days, in order to prevent the pull caused by transient bacteremia, progressive kidney disease.

Extraction during pregnancy, but has a history of habitual abortion should be careful. Prone to miscarriage because pregnant within 3 months, 6 months after easily lead to premature birth, and therefore the best extraction during a period of 3-6 months of pregnancy safer. Menstrual period sometimes more bleeding after tooth extraction, tooth extraction should be suspended. Patients with hyperthyroidism due to infection, of anxiety or surgery may cause thyroid storm, and even rapid death. If extraction, preoperative examination, basal metabolism 20; pulse 100 beats per minute. Anesthetic non-epinephrine, also need to take anti-inflammatory drugs before and after extraction. Teeth in the oral malignancy range, together with the tumor bulk resection, such as a separate extraction will accelerate the proliferation of tumor cells. The parts can not be done radiation therapy extraction, in order to avoid radioactive osteomyelitis. In short, people with  
Disinfection Item    systemic disease, before the extraction chamber GP should be noted, according to the situation by a doctor determine whether tooth extractions or when.

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