Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Whitening dental instruments can whiten teeth?

  Whitening the teeth whitening you? Yellowing of the  dental instruments    teeth caused by dental fluorosis, Whitening teeth whitening effect it? According to oral Hospital experts Whitening is currently more popular teeth whitening tea stains teeth, smoke stains teeth have very good whitening effect, but many people believe that the whitening effect of the technology is not very good, whether dental fluorosis pigment teeth whitening?

Oral experts pointed out that the main cause of dental fluorosis is an endogenous discolored teeth, divided into mild, moderate and moderate. Whitening for tea stains teeth and tooth surface stains and tetracycline, fluoride dental discolored teeth, and therefore can whiten teeth. Whitening What are the advantages?

Whitening is better teeth whitening entire whitening process in just 30 minutes, the whitening effect rapid and significant, long-lasting whitening. Gum Protection agent because the technology will be used, so that you avoid the damage caused by the teeth not white process, safe and reliable, with no side effects.

Apart from Whitening also ideal teeth whitening? Stomatology Hospital experts, many star or celebrity beauty crown for  
Dental Curing Light  teeth whitening. Why did you choose this way? Cosmetic crown and long service life, intensive care can be used for life; followed by the the beauty crown surface bacteria can not survive, and to avoid the emergence of tooth decay. To note that after installing the beauty crown must do care work, such as oral hygiene and crown their love.

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